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Teaching old software new tricks at Flux


Flux builds software that energy businesses run on. This includes not just the web and mobile apps their customers use, but the huge amount of functionality required to run call centres, manage billing and integrate with energy networks. I led the product design and then product strategy functions at Flux on the adventure of transforming the software into a more capable, configurable multi-retailer product.

Key pieces of work included creating a highly flexible, themeable system for delivering customer experiences; new payment and billing models; comms segmentation system; customer data modelling; plus a whole bunch more.

Flux delivers web and native mobile applications which their clients in turn provide to customers. I worked on a system which allowed flexible re-skinning to support widely different brands, plus configurable content to reach different customer-bases with different needs.

Much of my work at Flux involved the exploration of high-level approaches to new problems. The example above shows flows for dealing with customers using accounts on different platforms, other knotty challlenges included how to model customer and account data for large corporations,

Customer experience explorations for a new pricing structure designed to remove unexpected peaks and troughs in bills, plus functionality to deliver dynamic customer messaging in apps, email and push.

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